Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Tribute


When I heard Markus is DJing at 90 and doesn't DJ at Club Rosso anymore I was relieved. Seeing him all happy, dancing in his Vivienne Westwood loafers made me happy too. Those shoes, uuuuuuuh!! How Could I not notice so fabulously designed shoes? They have that “look at me!” persona. I must say Markus has good taste on shoes.

He laughed when I told him I'm going to give them a page on my blog. Here there are, Markus and his shoes:

This is the last picture of Markus with the shoes - taken by me.

I bumped into him again on Monday evening. He sadly told me someone stood on these babies and broke the tassel on the same night!!! What a crime!!

Is there anyone out there who won’t be annoyed when someone step on your shoes and sometimes even ruin your night as a result?

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